A 32 yr old male with vomiting and fever since 2 days

 V Sai Jaya Krishna,Intern

  Roll no 158

"This is online E log book to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome."

" I’ve been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of “patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations, and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan "

32 yr old male with vomiting and fever since 2 days

A 32 yr old male came to OPD with 
Chief complaints of :

- vomiting since 2 days
- generalised weakness since 2 days
- 1 episode of fever low grade since yesterday night 
- chest pain(diffuse) since yesterday 


- Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2days back , he had 20 episodes of vomiting which were non projectile,non bilious and 10 episodes were and then he had developed diffuse chest pain and abdominal pain since 2 days.patient had c/o fever which has releived on taking medication.


- Not a k /c/ o  Dm,HTN , Thyroid , TB , Asthma  Epilepsy , CVA .

Family history : not significant .


Diet - mixed 
Appetite - reduced since 4 days 
Bowel movements - regular, bladder - regular 
Sleep - adequate 
Addictions : consumes alcohol occasionally since 5yrs.
- No smoking 
- No allergies   


- Patient was examined after taking his consent 
- Patient is conscious , coherent , cooperative , well oriented to time , place and person .He is moderately built and nourished 
- No signs of pallor , icterus , cyanosis , clubbing , oedema , lymphadenopathy .

His vitals: 

Temperature : 99.2F 
BP : 120/80 mm HG 
Pulse rate : 70bpm
Resp.rate : 26cpm
GRBS : 118mg/dl
Spo2 : 98 percent 

Systemic Examination:

CVS- S1 S2 heard,no murmurs present.

RS - bilateral Air entry present
Normal vesicular breath sounds heard

Per Abdomen : soft , tenderness +Rt iliac fossa,Rt hypochondrium ,Lf hypochondrium  , bowel sounds - , no signs of organomegaly 
CNS :higher mental functions : normal 
Reflexes : 
MOTOR-: normal tone and power 
             RT           L  T

Biceps ++           ++
Triceps ++          ++
Supinator ++       ++
Knee ++              ++
Ankle ++             ++



Serum lipase

Serum amylase

Provisional diagnosis :

Alcohol gastritis 
Treatment :
1 inj pan 40 mg IV/OD
2 Inj zofer IV/TID
3. Inj . thiamine 200 mg in 100 ml NS IV/ BD 
4.Iv fluids NS
                 RL @100 ml /he
5)Inj pan 80 mg in 100 ml NS /IV/stat given 

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